Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Installing a central vacuum in an existing home

Traditionaly central vacuum systems have only been installed in new construction homes as they are being built. This is because of the bulky piping systems that are normally run through the walls of the home, making a retrofit of a central vacuum system difficult and expensive. The cost of a central vacuum system can run into the thousands of dollars, and to retrofit an existing home or condo can add thousands more.

Now with the Intervac Design Home/Condo units you can install your own central vacuum system in your residence without a contractor and for as little as $300 dollars. With these unique space saving vacuum cleaners you can enjoy all of the benefits of a traditional central vacuum at a fraction of the cost, and still install it in your existing home.

With a unit such as the RMF-581 pictured to the left, you can install the vacuum in a closet or any other hidden area with just the inlet valve showing in the living space. Just like a traditional central vacuum, when the hose is plugged into the inlet valve the vacuum starts automatically, stopping when the hose is removed from the inlet valve. These units can either be surface mounted on a wall or even flush mounted inside a 2x4 wall!

Don't let the low cost fool you, these vacuums are just as powerful as most central vacuum systems with a 12 Amp, twin fan motor and 100" of water lift.

All of the Intervac units use our specially designed HEPA type hypo-allergenic filtration bags which are a breeze to replace and hold about a gallon of tightly compacted debris.

We also have models which can be installed inside a kitchen cabinet out of sight with just the inlet valve showing. Again, just plug the hose into the inlet valve and the unit starts up automatically. With our 30 foot central vac hose you can clean several rooms from the same unit and inlet valve. One unit is perfect for a small home or condo, while multi level homes can put a unit on each floor at a fraction of the cost of a traditional central vacuum.

All of the Intervac Vacuum cleaners are built in the USA at our Palm City, Florida factory and come with an incredible 6 Year Warranty.
To learn more, please call 1-888-499-1925 or visit
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